-Botanic Gardens
-herb garden

The Scotland Guide
© David Williams


The herb garden has a collection of various herbs and plants used as medicines. Many of the plants in old remedies have been used for hundreds of years and several still form the basis of some modern drugs. A number of the plants have remarkable properties ascribed to them, for example a plaque informs that the humble lavender relaxes spasms, helps the digestion and peripheral circulation, lowers fevers, has anti-depressant effects and is antiseptic. And it smells nice too!

In the garden is a cast-iron sundial which was made in the early nineteenth century and it stands on a millstone taken from a flint mill that once worked nearby.

This article is based on the guidebook "The Glasgow Guide".

The herb garden is in a quiet corner of the Botanic Gardens. The buildings behind are tall tenements on Queen Margaret Drive.

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